Saturday, February 27, 2010

don't people have jobs?

i find myself getting very annoyed at different people. my patience for idiots is really in short supply these days. the group i will focus on now are the computer lab rats. i get so annoyed when i need to get on a computer and there are none available because everyone is on facebook or chatting with girls in singapore. anyway, there are 3 guys in the downstairs computer lab who are like 50 plus, and they seriously get there by like 7:30 in the morning and are there until like 6:30 at night and all they do is check email and watch tv shows and movies on the computer. ALL DAY LONG!!! the worst one is this guy, who actually brings a bag full of food and drinks and just camps out all the live long day. there is this cloud of smell like old cheese around him, and i just find myself getting mad every day that i see him.


  1. this too shall pass. I am amazed that there are people like that using the University's computers. There ought to be a law. Maybe you can help set one up! Dad

  2. I totally agree. I actually WORK in a computer programming company and my COLLEAGES and workmates do exactly the same thing! About 20 people work in my section and of the twenty about FIVE people actually do what were meant to, FIVE (me included) I think it's just an absolute disgrace.
